Laura's Birthday

Happy Birthday!

Today is Laura’s birthday, and I have been blessed with a wonderful wife! So to celebrate, here are a few photos from our adventures of the past year that have not yet been shared.

Laura at ʻAliomanu Beach on Kauaʻi in Hawaiʻi

From our 2018 Kauaʻi Trip, Laura enjoys some time at ʻAliomanu Beach. It was a perfect day, and we thoroughly enjoyed our day there. Nothing to complain about at all from that day!

Laura at Waimea Canyon on Kauaʻi in Hawaiʻi

Also from our Kauaʻi trip, Laura has the grand vista of Waimea Canyon behind her. We also really enjoyed our visit there. Except that we were not quite prepared for the hike down into the canyon that we took. Live and learn. And fortunately, we lived. Although we were starting to wonder there near the end.

Laura at Castaway Cay

This next photo is from our 2018 Christmas Disney Cruise. We were happy that it was warm enough to get in the water at the beach. In December. We tried not to rub it in too much to those back home enjoying some freezing temperatures.

Laura at Castaway Cay

And here is one more from the beach at Castaway Cay. A fun day in a fun place with some fun people. Although none of the other fun people are in these photos.

We won’t bother with talking about age, except to say old enough to enjoy life. Because actually age is just a number that does not really mean anything at all. What is more important is how you look at things. And Laura definitely does her best to enjoy life and to make the lives better of those who are fortunate enough to be around her.

So, happy birthday to Laura! I am thankful that she is my wife and that we get to do fun things together!

Bible Verse

An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. - Proverbs 31:10


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.