A Day at the Magic Kingdom (a video)

This past summer, we spent a day at the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World as part of our Disney Cruise/Florida trip. So here is a brief (if around 5 minutes fits your definition of brief) video of some of the things we did:

Some of the things you can see here in the video include the Jungle Cruise, the Festival of Fantasy parade, the Walt Disney World Railroad, and the fireworks. I wasn’t one of those guys that videoed every single thing that we did. That was partly because I didn’t always think to get out the video camera, and partly because who would want to sit and watch all of that anyway. But I did capture a few scenes of the day, and I am presenting them here in edited form.

Remember back in the old days when, if someone had taken some video of their vacation with their briefcase-size video camera, everyone had to gather around the TV and VCR to watch the video? These days, you can watch it whenever you want to, skip the parts that you don’t want to see, or even don’t watch it and say that you did. I don’t recommend that last option, because it isn’t exactly honest, after all. Gone are the days of communal video watching, but maybe that isn’t entirely bad.

On the plus side, it is so much easier to edit down video footage to something manageable now, skipping all the boring parts and providing a quick overview of things. And you can even add some royalty-free music to your video, too, just for fun.

Isn’t it nice to live in the future? Yes it is. Even when we spend our time watching videos of the past.

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. - 1 John 4:11

About the video: Filmed with a GoPro camera and then edited in GoPro Studio Camera: GoPro Hero3+ Silver


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Burnsland is Steve Burns, with generous help from his lovely wife Laura. Steve is a husband, father, photographer, webmaster, writer, podcaster, artist, Christian. Steve enjoys sharing his photography, art, and stories through Burnsland.com, from the Burnsland World Headquarters in Tennessee.